A touch of crass

If you ran into Marge Green at a Walmart, you’d assume she was there to shoplift. If you saw her at a hair salon, you’d think she was filling in for Lauren. If she pushed into a Denny’s, you’d figure the boss told her she was out of sick days. 

They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. But with Marge you really can. If you were to peek behind her mask of rudeness, crudeness and utter predictability, you’d find … yep, pretty much the same thing.  

Marge is an American success story: a potato-faced ignoramus who scored a winning scratch-off ticket at the Gas N Go. In her case, the ticket took the form of running in a Georgia district where most of the voters are dumber than she is. She’s spent most of her time since galumphing around the halls of Congress in MAGA apparel. Also, hooting and hollering during State of the Union addresses. 

But at least she’s delivering for her constituents, right? Wrong. The highlight of her three-year legislative record is renaming a Georgia post office.  
