That's a lot of words
First, I used to post almost every day. I posted more in the first three years than in the following eleven. I started out focusing on crime fiction and writing, but then gradually let things devolve into the desultory – TV shows now long defunct, movies and politics and pop culture. A long road trip out west. A death in the family. And, starting in 2015 or so, a certain malignant clown who continues to bedevil us to this day.
Second, I’ve been kind of repetitious. The preceding paragraph is a good example. Favorite phrases and headlines and ruminations keep recurring. But then, the great advantage of having a widely unread blog is that nobody seems to notice.
Third, and forgive me the hubris, but I kind of enjoy reading all these posts in the order they were written. Unlike certain old diary entries, I don’t dislike the guy who wrote them. Only a couple are embarrassing. All in all, the blog has been a worthwhile endeavor. I’ve never been as smart as I’ve sometimes pretended, but on the other hand I don’t seem as stupid as I’ve often felt. (There’s a sentence you’ll have to read twice.)
This sounds like a coda. It’s not, really. I’ll keep posting sporadically for the foreseeable future. Almost 900 posts and counting. Maybe I’ll aim for an even grand.