
Showing posts from January, 2024

Boycott Amazon! For at least a few days

Neverending loads of useless crap I am calling for a nationwide boycott of Amazon beginning at noon tomorrow. If you need something after that, just go to the store or do without. I appreciate your cooperation. It’s not that I dislike Amazon, really. It’s more that I hate it. I hate it so much that one of my New Year’s resolutions was to refrain from ordering anything on the site during 2024. Like all my resolutions, I expect this one to last anywhere from a week to 10 days. Because a guy still needs stuff. But I feel like an empty gesture is better than none. Why? No reason, really, except that site has gone from being really cool (circa 1998), to being really convenient (the last two decades), to being the world’s leading purveyor of cheap, useless crap (2023 to present).  When you search the site for anything now, it’s pages of poorly disguised ads for items of sketchy provenance that are distinguishable only by price.  The reviews, long a helpful feature on Amazon, are now...