Where eagles pair

Way above American politics

At some point today you may be tempted to turn on the TV to see what’s happening with a certain elderly, deranged Florida man who is appearing in court to face a long list of felony charges.

I’m here to say you shouldn’t. No matter what the elderly man says, or what the national news media says about what he says, you will learn nothing new.  All you’ll get is mad — mad at this malignant fool, mad at the bellicose fools who worship him, mad that his sneering foolish face has been renewed for yet another season. That’s no way to enjoy a spring day.

If you want to watch something that might put your mind in a better place, check out these hardworking eagles in West Virginia. They’ve been together for around 20 years, and they’re still showing up every day and doing exactly what they were born to do: surviving in a tough world and teaching their offspring to do the same.  They don’t whine or complain. As a bonus, I have yet to see them break any state or federal laws.

The live feed has audio too. You can hear the eaglet chirp, the breeze sigh past their lofty nest, the calls of other birds in the distance.  It’s strangely calming in this age of constant agita. Give it a few minutes — or a few hours — and see if you don’t agree.
