Mad about Harry

Ihave not read "Spare." Why bother? All the interesting excerpts are already out there. I have read those, for free. Spoiler: Prince Harry once froze his todger.

Spending $18 at this point won’t make Harry’s life any better. He’s already pretty well off:  $60 million in the bank and a lot more where that came from.  First with the Netflix series and now with the Spare cash rolling in. (Spare cash, get it?)

I do not get why this is the fastest-selling non-fiction title in the history of the universe. When you weigh their joint contributions to humanity – or anything, really, beyond keeping tabloids afloat – the royals aren’t very remarkable. That would include Harry and Meghan. All nice enough in small doses, but surely all laden with the standard array of petty resentments and disagreeable bathroom habits. (Oh, and don’t call me Shirley.)

I’ll make an exception for Queen Elizabeth, because of all that history on her side and because she’s dead. But the rest of them are just kind of odd, with their horsey smiles and ridiculous hats and stiff waves to the unwashed. Subtract the unearned wealth, and all they are is famous. I will grant that some are better-looking than others.

It is a little annoying that Harry, with his Eton education, could not be bothered to write his own life story. Instead he got this guy J.R. Moehringer, best known for his own memoir The Tender Bar. The excerpts I’ve seen all seem over-stylized and choppy. Many of the paragraphs come in at just one sentence long. Each might consist of six words.

Or two.

Like this.

Maybe that’s Harry’s authentic voice, but it would have been interesting to see.

Anyway, Dave Bob says check it out:  At the library. Or, give it a pass. Up to you. Keep in mind that in six months you’ll be able to pick it up for a quarter at any yard sale in town.
