
Showing posts from October, 2019

It's not about the politics. But it kind of is.

E ver boycott a business because social media told you to? I’m referring to that 9-year-old pic (see above) of the over-fed Jimmy John’s guy sitting on the knee of an elephant he has just killed. The photo periodically makes the rounds on Facebook and Twitter. Outrage ensues. Yes, it is a disturbing image: A chunky American billionaire (wealth estimate from Forbes) demonstrating unseemly joy in the death of an elephant by his own hand. But we’re supposed to forgo cheap, albeit shitty sandwiches for that? Really? We’re communists now? Who among us has not slaughtered one, or several, of the planet’s most intelligent creatures purely for the Instagram rush? Unlike the Trump boys, at least he’s committed to serving cheap, albeit shitty sandwiches. But we do have to vote with our pocketbooks. Especially since the Russians prefer that our actual votes not be correctly tallied. It may be that boycotts are all we have left. I’ll certainly participate in anything I see online (which Narnia lio...