A good time for fiction

I know; it’s been awhile. The Trump nightmare keeps getting darker, and writing about anything else has seemed frivolous. But life goes on. I am just determined to outlive this bastard, to dance rhetorically on his grave when all this passes, as it must. So I’ve deleted Facebook and Twitter from my phone again, and I’ve resumed writing fiction. Rewriting it, too. Recently I decided to repackage all my published short stories into a single volume, and put it on Amazon as an e-book. I realized there aren’t quite enough of them to make a book, so I’ve written a couple more. In the process, I’ve gone through all the published stories and polished them to a showroom sheen. At times I’ve been embarrassed at how poorly some of them were edited before appearing in “Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine.” That’s on me, not the magazine. A few weeks from now, the Kindle book should be on the market. I’m calling it The Least Best Place. It’s the title of one of my favorites stories, which first appear...