Peace through television

All dressed up and no place to go

Ihaven’t posted for — what, five months now? — because every time I have an idea it somehow ends up with the phrase “that fucking Trump.” The original idea could be about television or books or movies, or gardening or the importance of regular oil changes, and still those words keep forcing themselves forward in the first paragraph.

But I’m past it now. I figure it’s not up to me to forestall the end of Western civilization. My eight or so fans are already on board. If anybody else cares about it, let them step up. That fucking Trump.

Meantime, I finally got around to watching the last two episodes of the sixth season of “Game of Thrones.” That’s how cutting-edge I am. I was loving the season last year about this time, and then my trial HBO subscription ran out.

The hardest part was avoiding spoilers for 12 freaking months. Turns out I needn’t have bothered. Everything in the finale I saw coming a mile off. Ramsay Bolton was finally consumed by Rottweilers, and dopey Daenarys finally achieved total air superiority over greater Westeros. Cersei just keeps on Cersein’ — which is a good thing. Without her, there’d be no reason for a seventh season.

Right? Don’t talk to me about the White Walkers. They were missing in action as season six expired, and I have to say this much-ballyhooed invasion is not exactly a blitzkrieg. I mean, they’ve been lurching around the north country for several years now, and still don’t seem to have mastered the art of a simple forward advance.

Anyway, I’m now up to date on GoT, just in time for the last season’s debut on the 16th. I’ll be watching, even though it costs three bucks an episode on Amazon. Turns out I’m between shows now: “Better Call Saul” is done for the year, and so is “Fargo.” We’re watching “The Americans” and “A French Village” in the meantime. I like ’em OK, but … more about those later.
