Meals on Wheels meets Godzilla

These needy seniors are making me thirsty I used to be a Meals on Wheels driver, and let me tell you, those were the days: Pulling down a generous stipend while delivering gourmet cuisine to indolent oldsters. The only downside was that they were lousy tippers, and tended to complain if the foie gras was grainy or the filets were overdone. Ha ha. Very funny, right? Actually, I found Meals on Wheels to be about as economical and efficient as any government-assisted program could be. Almost austere, really. Nearly all of us were volunteers. We’d donate our time and cars and gas money to haul mediocre cafeteria chow to lonely folks who might otherwise go hungry. In the process we’d see how they were doing. We had one job and we did it pretty well. On my route, I never got the feeling that the food was being wasted. I don’t know that everyone was 100 percent delighted to see me personally at the door — I’m not the sort of man who lights up a room — but I always imagined that, worst-case sc...