Worst of both worlds

Not all morons are assholes, and not all assholes are morons. In a nutshell, morons are people who don’t know what they’re doing wrong, and assholes are people who don’t care.

Very few of either category wind up president of the United States. So now that we have a president who is both a moron and an asshole, it kind of feels like God has decamped to another universe. Apparently, the slogan on our paper money is no longer enough to ensure God’s continued support.

El Presidente Donaldo von Trumpachev: Moron (Exhibit A: Naked ignorance of any single fucking thing that might possibly be germane to the job he now holds. Or, just anything he happens to be talking about. See: Frederick Douglass, the difference between “refugee” and “illegal immigrant,” and “Two Corinthians.” Add your favorite here; it’s the internet so we can’t run out of space. Can we?)

Supreme Leader for the Next Eighteen Months Doni Goodluck Trumpabe: Asshole. (Exhibit A: Instinctively sticking it to anyone who seems weaker, smarter, more accomplished, more principled or just slightly more reluctant to kiss the Dear Leader’s fleshy keister. Which includes just about everyone but the Mr. Trumpabe’s shrinking inner circle and the auxiliary morons who drive $60k pickups and think they’ve been shafted.)

Should we give the guy a chance? This guy who has managed to insult even Australia? There’s a case to be made! If you think of Trump as a big fat cat, you can also think of his disastrous performance over the last two weeks as a gigantic hairball. Yes, he’s fucked things up irreparably in many spheres, but the hairball is out! He’s OK now! Let’s give him a chance!

Sorry for the exclamation points. To me, they’re like little shafts of bamboo under my fingernails, but I’m getting used to them. I read the man’s tweets whenever they’re mentioned in a news story, which is every fucking news story ever written since the middle of last August.

Also sorry for the frequent F-bombs. But that’s where we are now. The Man in the Trump Tower is calling the shots. If that doesn’t justify profanity, nothing does.
