Some kind of president
P resident-elect Trumpachev. Every day it’s a new fucking travesty with this guy. On the day after the election I dared hope he might not be as bad as I thought. I was right: He’s much, much worse. He’s the most unpopular president-elect in history. I wonder why? He can’t articulate a single policy beyond bellicose boasting, can’t finish a declarative sentence most of the time. He kisses up to foreign dictators and despises the fellow Americans who question whether vulgarity and ignorance are great qualities for a leader. He needed Russian intervention to eke out a razor-thin victory; half of the minority who voted for him just did it as a middle finger to Washington. They never thought the asshole could win. Trump voters say we should give him a chance, look for the good in the man. Nope. Can’t even. He’s blown his chance about 800 times since Nov. 9. I’m done. And if there’s even a slight whiff of goodness in this goofball, he’s masking it well with the sulphurous scent of malign ego...