
Showing posts from September, 2014

Not your grandma's vampires

Give us a kiss. W e all have our guilty pleasures, and mine at the moment is " The Strain ," the TV adaptation of the books by Guillermo del Toro. It's all about vampires taking over New York City. It's like "The Walking Dead," except, you know, with vampires. And an evil presence orchestrating the whole thing. You can see why it's a guilty pleasure. But bear with me. These aren't the glamorous, simpering vampires we've become used to through certain young-adult novels. Yes, they feast on human blood, but they lurch around like zombies and attack via a snake-like appendage that erupts from the mouth, like a frog nailing a fly. Much more efficient than fangs. The appendage is a two-way conduit: while delivering blood to the vampire, it delivers the little white parasitic worms that eventually turn the victim into yet another vampire.  Disgusting, yes. And a refreshing departure from the canon. Vampires are supposed to elicit horror, as opposed to ...