The little blog that couldn't
Where was I? Oh yeah: Bitching about the beggars of Missoula. Seems like a long time ago. But then, I guess it was. More than two months now. For me, it’s a personal best for not blogging.
Not sure what’s happened to my occasional urge to write here. I think it has something to do with running out of ideas. Every time I consider a topic, I eventually remember that I wrote something just like it earlier. Kind of like this post.
No excuse really, considering all the amazing stuff that’s happened since July. For instance … well, just a whole lot of things. What does it say about me that only things that spring immediately to mind are a few more mass shootings and Miley Cyrus tragically losing control of her tongue? Whoa. That tongue thing: It’s a silent disease that afflicts too many nymphets. Won’t you please help? We can’t do anything about mass shootings, but surely the nation that put men on the moon can sort out Miley’s tongue.
Not much else to report. About all I’ve been doing is watching Breaking Bad on Mondays and then reading recaps of that week’s episode for the other six days of the week. I dread the finale a few days from now — not for what will or will not happen, but for what I’ll do about TV viewing after that. After Breaking Bad, Antiques Roadshow just doesn’t seem as interesting as it used to.