A tip of the hat to my Scottish brethren

Here is one of the reasons I think Scotland might be a fun place to visit (as long as I don't set myself alight or otherwise create the impression that I'm a terrorist). Although the headline is something short of poetry -- it's one of those situations where a long count actually works against you -- I admire the joie de vivre with which the Daily Record copy editor approached the subject. Would a more subtle approach have worked better in a story about kicking a burning terrorist in the balls? I don't think so.


Peter Rozovsky said…
In America, the kicker would have sued the city, the federal government, the authority that operated the airport, the burning terrorist, the manufacturer of the burning terrorist's car, and the maker and seller of the burning terrorist's burning clothes to cover the pain, suffering and medical costs resulting from his torn tendon.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Dave Knadler said…
I always thought the Scots wore sturdy Doc Martens to avoid just this type of injury.
Jessie Knadler said…
Does Murdoch own the Daily Record? I wonder if such a headline can't be too far off on the front page of the Journal.
Dave Knadler said…
Actually, Murdoch owns the competing paper, the Sun. You do have to wonder what he'll do with the Wall Street Journal though. Should be fun to watch -- unless you work there.
Peter Rozovsky said…
Ooh, there's another one: In America, the kicker would have sued the makers of his footwear, whose failure to provide adequate support so obviously contributed to the torn tendon.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"